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Business Ethics Now 6th Edition Ghillyer TEST BANK

Business Ethics Now 6th Edition Ghillyer  TEST BANK

1) How do people arrive at the definition of what's right or wrong?
Question Details
Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation
Learning Objective : 01-01 Define ethics.
Bloom's : Understand
Difficulty : 2 Medium
2) Differentiate between intrinsic and instrumental value.
Question Details
Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation
Learning Objective : 01-02 Explain the role of values in ethical decision making.
Bloom's : Understand
Difficulty : 2 Medium
3) Explain how the four basic categories of ethics representa different feature of ethics.
Version 1 3
Question Details
Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation
Learning Objective : 01-02 Explain the role of values in ethical decision making.
Bloom's : Understand
Difficulty : 2 Medium
4) Give examples of how different religions express the Golden Rule.
Question Details
Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation
Learning Objective : 01-02 Explain the role of values in ethical decision making.
Bloom's : Understand
Difficulty : 2 Medium
5) Name and discuss the three categories of ethical theories.
Question Details
Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation
Bloom's : Remember
Difficulty : 1 Easy
Learning Objective : 01-03 Understand opposing ethical theories and their limitations.
6) Discuss at least one weakness of each of the ethical theories.
Version 1 4
Question Details
Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty : 3 Hard
Learning Objective : 01-03 Understand opposing ethical theories and their limitations.
Bloom's : Analyze
7) What is implied by the idea of ethical relativism?
Question Details
Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation
Bloom's : Understand
Difficulty : 2 Medium
Learning Objective : 01-04 Discuss ethical relativism.
8) Explain Kohlberg's three levels of moral development.
Question Details
Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation
Bloom's : Understand
Difficulty : 2 Medium
Learning Objective : 01-05 Explain an ethical dilemma, and apply a process to resolve it.
Version 1 5
9) ________ refers to a study of how people try to live their lives according to a standard of
"right" or "wrong" behavior.
Question Details
Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation
Bloom's : Remember
Difficulty : 1 Easy
Learning Objective : 01-01 Define ethics.
10) A ________ refers to a structured community of people bound together by similar
traditions and customs.
Question Details
Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation
Bloom's : Remember
Difficulty : 1 Easy
Learning Objective : 01-01 Define ethics.
Answer Key
Test name: Chapter 01 Test Bank
1) The field of ethics is the study of how one tries to live one's lives
according to a standard of "right" or "wrong" behavior—in both how
one thinks and behaves toward others and how one would like them to
think and behave toward oneself. For some people it is a conscious
choice to follow moral standards or ethical principles, while others look
to the behavior of people around them to determine what is an
acceptable standard of right and wrong. People arrive at the definition of
what's right or wrong as a result of many factors, including how they
were raised, their religion, and the traditions and beliefs of their society.
2) Intrinsic value is a value that is a good thing in itself; it is pursued for
its own sake, whether anything good comes from the pursuit or not. For
example, happiness, health, and self-respect can all be said to have
intrinsic value.In contrast, the pursuit of an instrumental value is a good
way to reach another value. For example, money is valued for what it
can buy rather than for itself.
3) Each of the four basic categories of ethics represents a different
feature of ethics. On one level, the study of ethics seeks to understand
how people make the choices they make—how they develop their own
set of moral standards, how they live their lives on the basis of those
standards, and how they judge the behavior of others in relation to those
standards. On a second level, this understanding is used to develop a set
of ideals or principles by which a group of ethical individuals can
combine as a community with a common understanding of how they
"ought" to behave.
Version 1 47
4) The goal of living an ethical life is expressed by the Golden Rule:
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," or "treat others
as you would like to be treated." This simple and very clear rule is
shared by many different religions in the world:Buddhism: "Hurt not
others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful."—Udana-Varga
5:18Christianity: "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men
should do to you, do ye even so to them."—Matthew 7:12Hinduism:
"This is the sum of duty: do naught unto others which would cause you
pain if done to you."—Mahabharata 5:1517
5) Ethical theories can be divided into three categories: virtue ethics,
ethics for the greater good, and universal ethics. Virtue ethics refers to
living one's life according to a commitment to the achievement of a clear
ideal. Ethics for the greater good focuses on the outcomes of one's
actions rather than focusing on the apparent virtue of actions themselves.
Universal ethics refers to actions placed within a strictly moral context.
6) Some weaknesses of the ethical theories are as follows: Virtue ethics
can create value conflict. Therefore, conflict can occur if the virtues one
hopes to achieve fail to reflect the values of the society in which one
lives. Ethics for the greater good emphasizes the idea that the ends
justify the means. The weakness of this approach is that no one is
accountable for the actions that are taken to achieve the outcome.
Universal ethics focuses on abiding by a universal principle; however,
no one is accountable for the consequences of the actions taken to abide
by these principles.
Version 1 48
7) The idea of ethical relativism implies some degree of flexibility as
opposed to strict black-and-white rules. It also offers the comfort of
being a part of the ethical majority in one's community or society instead
of standing by one's individual beliefs as an outsider from the group. In
one's current society, when one talks about peer pressure among groups,
one is acknowledging that the expectations of this majority can
sometimes have negative consequences.
8) Lawrence Kohlberg developed a framework of moral development
that presents the argument that one develops a reasoning process over
time, moving through three levels of moral development as one is
exposed to major influences in one's life.The first level is
preconventional. At this lowest level of moral development, a person's
response to a perception of right and wrong is initially directly linked to
the expectation of punishment or reward.The second level is
conventional. At this level, a person continues to become aware of
broader influences outside of the family.The third level is
postconventional. At this highest level of ethical reasoning, a person
makes a clear effort to define principles and moral values that reflect an
individual value system rather than simply reflecting the group position.
9) Ethics
10) society

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