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NR 603 JOSEPH CAMELLA iHuman "Shortness of Breath" Final Exam With Complete Solutions


NR 603 JOSEPH CAMELLA iHuman "Shortness of Breath" Final
Exam With Complete Solutions

Perfect Solutions
1. How can Ihelpyoutoday?
2. Do you haveany other symptoms orconcerns weshoulddiscuss?
3. Do you wheeze?
4. Areyou shortof breath whenlying down?
5. Do you sleep with pillows tohelpyoubreathe?
6. Does anything makeyourcough better or worse?
7. Areyoutakinganyprescription medications?
8. Areyou takingany OTC or herbal medications?
9. Do you haveanyallergies?
10. Do you now orhave youeversmoked orchewedtobacco?
11. Doyou haveaproblem withfatigue/tiredness?
12. Have youbeenhavingfevers?
13. Is there any swelling inyourankles?
14. Do you havea problem with generalized weakness?
15. Do you haveacough?
16. Areyou coughingupany sputum?
17. When didyour difficulty breathingstart?
18. Does anything makeyourdifficulty breathingbetter or worse?
19. Do you becomeshortof breath withexertion?
20. Areyou shortof breath at rest?
21. Do you haveany pain or other symptomsassociated withyour difficultybreathing?
22. Has there been any changeinyourdifficulty breathing over time?
23. Do you haveunusualheartbeats/palpitations?
24. Do you haveanypain inyour chest?
25. Canyoutell me aboutanycurrent orpast medicalproblems?
26. Any recent acuteor chronic infections?
27. Anyprevious medical, surgical,ordentalprocedures?
28. Have you everbeenhospitalized?
29. Do you havea family history of heart disease?
30. Do you drinkalcohol?
31. Tell me aboutyour work.
32. Does your chest feel tightor heavy?
33. How severeis your difficultybreathing?
34. Does anyonein your family havedifficultybreathing?
35. Are you coughingupblood?
36. Do you haveahistory of lung disease?
37. Do you now or have youever hadcancer?
38. Have you had TB?
39. Do you haveasthma?
40. Do you havea family history of blood clots in your legs or lungs?
41. Do you havea history of deepveinthrombosis or pulmonaryembolism?
42. Do you haveheartdiseaseand/orhaveyou everhada heart attack?
43. Is there any swelling inyour legs?
44. Have you everbeendiagnosed with thyroidproblems?
45. Do youawakenat night short ofbreath?
46. Have yourecentlytraveled?
47. Do you havehighcholesterol?
48. Is there any swellinginyour feet?
49. Have you everbeentold that youhavea heart murmuror valve problem?
50. Do you havea history ofheart failure?
51. Do you havehighcholesterol?
52. Do you havechills?
53. Do you haveahistory of cystic fibrosis?
54. Do you havea history of valvularheart disease?
55. Have you beendiagnosed withableedingdisorder?
56. Have you had measles mumps or rheumatic fever?
57. Are you eatinga lot of salty foods?
58. Do you have muscle pain orcramping?
59. Do you havea sensationof a pounding heart inyour chest?
60. Do you havetrouble chewing?
61. Do you haveaproblem with movement?
62. Do you feel faint?
63. Didyoueverhave involuntarystrange dancelike movements?
64. Did youhave strep throat asachild?
65. --- Questionaboutsurgery, maybe recentsurgery?
66. Have you eatenanything outof the ordinary lately?
67. Do you havearthritis?
68. Do you feel faint or likeyou might faint?
69. Have you noticedanytrouble withyour

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