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Texas Irrigator License Version 2 Exam With Complete Solutions

Texas Irrigator License Version 2 Exam With Complete Solutions

Texas Irrigator License Version 2 Exam
With Complete Solutions

The term Commission , refers to ? - Texas commission of environmental quality.
how oftendoes a licensed irrigator need to renew his license ? - onceeverythree
which is /are the strategic goal/goals of TCEQ? - 1 - enforcement2-
water quality
3- waste management
individual responsible for obtaining permits and inspections ? - Licensed Irrigador when is
it acceptablefor a licensed technician to alter theirrigationdesign? - whenthe
technician receives approval from the license Irrigador
How many members makeup theTexas Irrigador's advisory council? - 9 members
members of Texas Irrigador's advisory council are appointed by ? - Texas commissionof
environmental quality.
how many members of theTexas Irrigador's advisorycouncil must berepresentatives ofthe
public? - 3 members
which is thefunction of an irrigation system? - erosion control
dust reduction
irrigatingany type of landscape vegetation inanylocation
after alicensehas expired, the only way to obtain another oneis to ? - gothroughthe
re-examination process again.
you must be licensed or work under the supervision of a licensed individual in order to
install or repair irrigation systems for a living. - true
what will happen if an irrigador fails to receive written notice from the TCEQ that his
license is about to expire? - The irrigador will lose the license if they fail to renew evenif
theTCEQ does not send a written notice.?
What is the minimum depth of pipecoverage.? - 6 inches
Absorption rate is also known as? - infiltration rate
An atmospheric vacuum breaker is commonly referred to as an ? - anti-siphon
statement about control wires - Thelarger thegaugenumber, thesmaller the wire
Desingpessure = - Recommended head pressure + total losses
Actualhead pressure is = - Static pressure_ Total losses
Term used when all heads discharge varying amounts of water , combining to produce
uniform coverage ? - match precipitation

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